加尔各答高等法院暂时停止了对三名 Raj Bhavan 工作人员性骚扰案的警方调查。 Calcutta High Court temporarily halts police investigation against 3 Raj Bhavan staff members in a molestation case.
加尔各答高等法院暂时停止了警方对三名总督府工作人员的调查,因为一名女性临时职员向西孟加拉邦邦长 C.V. 阿南达·博斯 (C.V. Ananda Bose) 提出了性骚扰投诉。 The Calcutta High Court has temporarily halted the police investigation against three Raj Bhavan staff members over a molestation complaint filed by a female temporary staffer against West Bengal Governor C.V. Ananda Bose. 在这些工作人员获得预防性保释后,法院下令将案件暂缓执行至 6 月 17 日。 The court ordered a stay till June 17 after the staffers obtained anticipatory bail. 投诉人指控 Bose 性骚扰,据称被告的工作人员制服了她并阻止她提出投诉。 The complainant had accused Bose of molestation, and the accused staffers are said to have restrained her and prevented her from filing a complaint.