在印度巴德拉普尔,学校校长和秘书因未报告未成年女童受到攻击而根据《POCSO法》受到指控,在被捕前寻求保释。 In Badlapur, India, school chairman and secretary seek pre-arrest bail after being charged under the POCSO Act for not reporting minor girls' assault.
在印度Badlapur, 学校校长和秘书因未报告一名男教务员对两名未成年女孩的性攻击而根据《POCSO法》受到指控,正在寻求逮捕前保释。 In Badlapur, India, the chairman and secretary of a school are seeking pre-arrest bail after being charged under the POCSO Act for failing to report the sexual assault of two minor girls by a male attendant. 在下级法院驳回保释请求后,他们向孟买高等法院提出申诉。 They approached the Bombay High Court after a lower court denied their bail request. 由于公众对警方最初处理此案表示不满,并引起认真的司法监督,因此成立了一个特别调查队。 A Special Investigation Team was formed due to public outcry over the initial police handling of the case, which has prompted serious judicial oversight.