西雅图水手队用捕手布莱克·亨特换来了巴尔的摩金莺队的右投手迈克·鲍曼和小联盟捕手迈克尔·佩雷斯。 Seattle Mariners traded catcher Blake Hunt for right-hander Mike Baumann and minor league catcher Michael Pérez from Baltimore Orioles.
西雅图水手队从巴尔的摩金莺队获得了右投手迈克·鲍曼和小联盟捕手迈克尔·佩雷斯,以换取捕手布莱克·亨特。 Seattle Mariners acquired right-hander Mike Baumann and minor league catcher Michael Pérez from Baltimore Orioles in exchange for catcher Blake Hunt. 28 岁的鲍曼在效力金莺队的四个赛季中,防御率为 4.45;31 岁的佩雷斯今年在 3A 级诺福克队的 21 场比赛中,打击率为 .221,并有 2 支本垒打。 Baumann, 28, has a 4.45 ERA in four seasons with the Orioles; Pérez, 31, hit .221 with 2 homers in 21 games this year at Triple-A Norfolk. 25 岁的亨特在水手队的 3A 联赛中击球率达到 0.293。 Hunt, 25, batted .293 for the Mariners' Triple-A team.