一名 16 岁少年因澳大利亚国庆日在格雷斯角发生的一起船只相撞事件而被起诉,该事件导致一名女孩死亡。 16-year-old charged for fatal Australia Day boat crash at Grays Point, causing girl's death.
一名 16 岁男孩因澳大利亚国庆日在格雷斯角发生的一起船难而受到指控。 16-year-old boy charged for fatal Australia Day boat crash at Grays Point. 两艘小型铝制船相撞,一名少女死亡;女孩被从其中一艘船上弹出,随后在圣乔治医院去世。 A teenage girl died after two small aluminium vessels collided; the girl was ejected from one of the boats and later died at St. George Hospital. 另一艘船的操作员也是一名 16 岁的男孩,他被指控疏忽操作休闲船只导致他人死亡。 The operator of the other boat, also a 16-year-old boy, was charged with operating a recreational vessel negligently, causing death. 他将于 6 月 20 日出庭。 He is set to appear in court on June 20.