伯明翰大学的研究人员发现了有前景的天然肽 PEPITEM,可用于治疗骨质疏松症和骨质流失。 University of Birmingham researchers discover promising natural peptide, PEPITEM, for osteoporosis and bone loss treatments.
伯明翰大学的研究人员发现了一种很有前景的天然肽 PEPITEM,可用于治疗骨质疏松症和骨质流失,并且比目前的药物具有潜在的益处。 University of Birmingham researchers have discovered a promising natural peptide, PEPITEM, for osteoporosis and bone loss treatments, with potential benefits over current medications. PEPITEM(跨内皮迁移肽抑制剂)已被证明可以在动物模型中增强骨矿化、骨形成和强度,以及逆转骨质流失。 PEPITEM (Peptide Inhibitor of Trans-Endothelial Migration) has shown to enhance bone mineralization, formation, and strength, as well as reverse bone loss in animal models. 该项研究由医学研究委员会和 Lorna 和 Yuti Chernajovsky 生物医学研究基金会资助,发表在《细胞报告医学》杂志上。 The study, funded by the Medical Research Council and the Lorna and Yuti Chernajovsky Biomedical Research Foundation, was published in Cell Reports Medicine.