民主党要求美国司法部调查大型石油公司和贸易集团涉嫌在气候变化影响方面欺骗公众。 Democrats request US Justice Department to investigate major oil companies and trade groups for allegedly deceiving the public about climate change impacts.
根据众议院监督和问责委员会牵头的三年调查结果,民主党敦促美国司法部对主要石油公司及其贸易集团进行调查,因为它们涉嫌数十年来在气候变化影响问题上欺骗公众。 Democrats urge US Justice Department to investigate major oil companies and their trade groups for allegedly deceiving the public about the impacts of climate change for decades, based on a three-year investigation led by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. 委员会声称有足够的证据表明存在违反联邦法规的行为,并将这些做法比作烟草行业的行为。 The committees claim there is enough evidence for potential violations of federal statutes and liken the practices to the tobacco industry's actions.