托皮卡第七届年度徽章之战献血竞赛。 7th annual Battle of the Badges blood drive competition in Topeka.
托皮卡警察局和消防局参加了第七届年度警徽之战献血活动,最终托皮卡消防局以一票之差获胜。 Topeka Police and Fire Departments competed in the 7th annual Battle of the Badges Blood Drive, with the Topeka Fire Department winning by one vote. 由于美国红十字会面临血液短缺,这次友谊赛旨在提高人们对该地区迫切需要献血的认识。 This friendly competition aimed to raise awareness of the critical need for blood donations in the region, as the American Red Cross faces a blood shortage. 所有收集的血液将被送往托皮卡地区的患者。 All collected blood will be sent to patients in the Topeka area.