2020 年,美国政府勒令字节跳动剥离 TikTok,否则将面临禁令,并引发法律纠纷。 2020 U.S. government orders ByteDance to divest TikTok or face ban, involving legal battles.
包括字节跳动在内的中国公司在国内面临威权主义,在国外面临敌意。 Chinese firms, including ByteDance, face authoritarianism at home and hostility abroad. 2018年,字节跳动创始人张一鸣遵守中国关闭一款应用程序的命令并表示遗憾,并承诺加强共产党在字节跳动的存在。 In 2018, ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming complied with a Chinese order to shut down an app and expressed regret, pledging to strengthen the Communist Party's presence at ByteDance. 现在,美国政府要求字节跳动剥离 TikTok,否则将面临禁令,从而引发法律纠纷。 Now, the U.S. government demands ByteDance divest TikTok or face a ban, leading to legal battles.