三名分别为 14 岁和 17 岁的青少年因在澳大利亚加利福尼亚峡谷持刀实施严重劫车罪而被起诉。 3 teenagers, aged 14 and 17, charged with aggravated carjacking using a knife in California Gully, Australia.
三名分别为 14 岁和 17 岁的青少年在澳大利亚加利福尼亚峡谷被控严重劫车罪。 3 teenagers, aged 14 and 17, charged with aggravated carjacking in California Gully, Australia. 5 月 19 日,他们涉嫌用刀偷窃一辆红色丰田轿车。 On 19 May, they allegedly used a knife to steal a red Toyota sedan. 在空军联队的协助下,警方在瓦兰抓获了嫌疑人,嫌疑人随后弃车逃走。 Police with Air Wing assistance caught the suspects in Wallan, where they ditched the car. 这两名青少年因持有攻击性武器的严重劫车罪在儿童法庭受审,当局通过犯罪热线请求公众协助。 The teens face children's court for aggravated carjacking with an offensive weapon, and authorities request public assistance through Crime Stoppers.