在塔斯马尼亚州德文波特发生的一起肇事逃逸事件中,一名 42 岁的男子被控袭击、无照驾驶和毒品犯罪,受害者为 52 岁的男子。 42-year-old man charged with assault, driving with a suspended license, and drug offenses in a hit-and-run incident in Devonport, Tasmania, involving a 52-year-old victim.
一名 42 岁的男子因在塔斯马尼亚州北部德文波特发生肇事逃逸事件而被指控袭击、无照驾驶以及无关的毒品犯罪。 42-year-old man charged with assault, driving with a suspended license, and unrelated drug offenses in connection with a hit-and-run incident in Devonport, northern Tasmania. 这名 52 岁的受害者是被告人认识的,他被一辆丰田海拉克斯 (Toyota Hilux) 撞倒,胸部受伤,目前被送往朗塞斯顿综合医院,情况稳定。 The 52-year-old victim, known to the accused, was hit by a Toyota Hilux and sustained chest injuries, leaving him in stable condition at Launceston General Hospital. 被告即将出庭。 The accused is scheduled to appear in court.