雀巢印度股东拒绝了增加向瑞士母公司支付特许权使用费的提议。 Nestle India shareholders rejected a proposal to increase royalty payments to Swiss parent.
雀巢印度股东拒绝了增加向其瑞士母公司雀巢支付特许权使用费的提议,超过 70% 的股东投票反对将特许权使用费从目前的 4.5% 提高 0.15%。 Nestle India shareholders rejected a proposal to increase royalty payments to its Swiss parent Nestle, with over 70% voting against the 0.15% annual increase from the current 4.5% rate. 根据印度法规,这一潜在变化将归类为关联方交易,从而阻止控股股东投票。 The potential change would classify as a related party transaction under Indian regulations, preventing controlling shareholders from voting. 雀巢印度公司尚未就是否会审查该提议发表评论。 Nestle India did not comment on whether they will review the proposal.