尼日利亚支付公司 Flutterwave 阻止了网络犯罪分子向执法部门举报。 Nigerian payment company Flutterwave thwarted a network reported perpetrators to law enforcement.
尼日利亚支付公司 Flutterwave 于 4 月成功挫败了一次网络入侵企图,并向执法机构举报了肇事者。 Nigerian payment company Flutterwave successfully thwarted a network intrusion attempt in April and reported the perpetrators to law enforcement agencies. 该公司在其某个平台上检测到异常活动,并采用安全协议来防止任何客户资金受到损害。 The company detected unusual activity on one of its platforms and employed its security protocols to prevent any customer funds from being compromised. Flutterwave 向其客户和利益相关者保证他们的资金是安全的。 Flutterwave assured its customers and stakeholders that their funds remain safe.