印度的MHA警告公民, 网络罪犯利用非法数字支付网关洗钱。 India's MHA warns citizens of illegal digital payment gateways used by cybercriminals for money laundering.
印度内政部(MHA)已提醒公民注意网络罪犯用来洗钱的非法数字支付网关。 India's Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has alerted citizens about illegal digital payment gateways used by cybercriminals for money laundering. 这些网关利用骡子和租用的银行账户,便利与骗局和离岸赌博有关的非法交易。 These gateways exploit mule and rented bank accounts, facilitating illicit transactions linked to scams and offshore betting. MHA警告不要分享或租用银行账户细节,因为参与可能导致法律后果。 The MHA warns against sharing or renting bank account details, as involvement can lead to legal repercussions. 当局强调必须保持警惕,打击这一日益严重的网络犯罪问题。 Authorities emphasize the need for vigilance to combat this growing cybercrime issue.