2023年5月,一架美国F-16战机因动力丧失和恶劣天气在韩国坠毁,飞行员安全弹射。 In May 2023, a US F-16 jet crashed in South Korea due to power loss and adverse weather, leading to the pilot's safe ejection.
2023年5月,一架美国F-16战斗机因部分动力丧失和恶劣天气原因在韩国坠毁,这是过去一年来美国F-16在韩国坠毁的三起事件中的第一起。 In May 2023, a US F-16 fighter jet crashed in South Korea due to partial power loss and adverse weather conditions, resulting in the first of three US F-16 crashes in South Korea over the past year. 这架单引擎喷气式飞机起飞 11 秒后,飞行员失去动力,导致飞行数据不准确,最终坠毁在乌山空军基地附近的农田中。 The single-engine jet crashed into farmland near Osan Air Base after the pilot experienced power loss 11 seconds after take-off, leading to inaccurate flight data. 飞行员安全弹射,但飞机完全坠毁。 The pilot ejected safely, while the aircraft was totally lost.