伯明翰机场因施工出现严重的安检排队混乱,导致航班延误和错过航班。 Birmingham Airport experienced significant security queue chaos due to construction, causing flight delays and missed flights.
伯明翰机场陷入混乱,度假者报告称安检队列“一片混乱”,有些人差点错过航班。 Birmingham Airport faced chaos as holidaymakers reported "bedlam" at security queues, with some nearly missing their flights. 乘客们在航站楼外排起了长长的队伍,缓慢地移动。 Passengers moved slowly in a long queue that snaked outside the terminal building. 机场声称,新的安全搜索区正在施工,导致排队现象严重,由于天气晴朗,他们决定让乘客在外面排队,以缓解交通拥堵。 The airport claimed ongoing construction works to build a new security search area caused the queues, and they decided to queue passengers outside due to the sunny weather to ease congestion.