利兹大学的研究人员在英国养老院测试了可穿戴蓝牙设备,以分析社会联系和互动。 Researchers at the University of Leeds tested wearable Bluetooth devices in UK care homes to analyze social connections and interactions.
利兹大学的研究人员在英国养老院测试了可穿戴蓝牙设备,收集了工作人员和居民的社交网络指标。 Researchers from the University of Leeds tested wearable Bluetooth devices in UK care homes, collecting social network metrics on staff and residents. 在两个月的时间里,该研究记录了 204,087 次互动,并确定了强弱的社会联系。 Over two months, the study recorded 204,087 interactions and identified strong and weak social connections. 大多数互动发生在公共区域,这表明可穿戴设备可以帮助改善养老院质量并减少居民的孤立感。 Most interactions took place in communal areas, suggesting that wearable devices could help improve care home quality and reduce resident isolation.