11只经过精心照料并配备追踪器的棱皮龟被放归泰国印度洋进行保护。 11 leatherback sea turtles nursed and equipped with trackers were released into the Indian Ocean in Thailand for conservation.
泰国的海洋保护主义者将 11 只棱皮龟幼崽放归印度洋,并配备追踪器以协助保护工作。 Marine conservationists in Thailand released 11 baby leatherback sea turtles into the Indian Ocean, equipped with trackers to aid conservation efforts. 由于海龟身体状况较弱,因此孵化后需要进行护理。 The turtles were nursed after hatching due to their weak condition. 此次放生是继 2018 年发现棱皮龟返回泰国南部产卵之后的又一举措。 The release follows the discovery of leatherback sea turtles returning to lay eggs in southern Thailand in 2018. 泰国是成功哺育这种小海龟至一岁的五个国家之一。 Thailand is one of five countries that have successfully nursed this species of baby turtle up to their first year.