洛杉矶县正在调查因卫生设施匮乏而导致五名无家可归者爆发甲型肝炎的情况。 Los Angeles County investigates a hepatitis A outbreak among five homeless individuals due to limited sanitation access.
洛杉矶县正在调查自三月中旬以来涉及五名无家可归者的甲型肝炎疫情。 Los Angeles County is investigating a hepatitis A outbreak involving five homeless individuals since mid-March. 公共卫生部门指出,洗手和卫生设施有限是一个风险因素。 The Public Health Department cites limited access to handwashing and toilet facilities as a risk factor. 该部门正在向无家可归者提供免费疫苗,并建议公众检查他们的疫苗接种状况,保持良好的卫生习惯,并注意甲型肝炎症状。 Free vaccines are being offered to homeless people, and the department advises the public to check their vaccination status, practice good hygiene, and be aware of hepatitis A symptoms.