两名埃及游客在津巴布韦被非法拘留。 Two Egyptian visitors were unlawfully detained in Zimbabwe.
两名埃及游客 Emad Awny Elgamal 和 Khaled Fuozi Foudza 在津巴布韦被无故拘留 30 天。 Two Egyptian visitors, Emad Awny Elgamal and Khaled Fuozi Foudza, were detained for 30 days without cause in Zimbabwe. 他们通过贝特布里奇边境哨所合法入境,但被拘留至 4 月 6 日,并未受到指控。 They entered the country lawfully through the Beitbridge Border Post but were held without charge until April 6. 在他们的律师布莱顿·萨多韦拉(Brighton Sadowera)在法庭上证明了他们的访客许可证有效后,首席移民官雷斯特·戈诺(Respect Gono)承认对他们的拘留是非法的,因此他们被释放。 After their lawyer Brighton Sadowera proved their valid visitors' permits in court, the chief immigration officer Respect Gono admitted their detention was unlawful, and they were released.