29岁的摩托车手在克拉克斯维尔派克撞车事故中死亡, 29-year-old motorcyclist dies in Clarksville Pike crash after colliding with a pickup truck turning left.
29岁的克拉克斯维尔摩托车手在克拉克斯维尔派克与一辆左转进入车道的皮卡车相撞后死于车祸。 29-year-old Clarksville motorcyclist died in a crash on Clarksville Pike after colliding with a pickup truck turning left into a driveway. 76岁的司机Larry James正在慢慢转弯,现场没有发现损伤。 The 76-year-old driver, Larry James, was turning slowly, and no impairment was found at the scene. 初步调查表明,小卡车司机未能出货是造成事故的原因。 Preliminary investigation suggests the pickup driver's failure to yield caused the accident. 将进一步调查摩托车手的速度,并将与地区检察官办公室讨论此案。 The motorcyclist's speed will be further investigated, and the case will be discussed with the District Attorney's Office.