35 岁的伊泰什·伊拉因在伦敦温布利持刀企图杀害一名女子而被判处 16 年监禁。 35-year-old Itesh Ira was sentenced to 16 years in prison for attempting to kill a woman in Wembley, London, with a knife.
35 岁的伊泰什·伊拉 (Itesh Ira) 因在伦敦温布利残忍地刺伤一名女子并意图杀死她而被判处 16 年监禁。 35-year-old Itesh Ira was sentenced to 16 years in prison for brutally stabbing a woman in Wembley, London, intending to kill her. 艾拉承认犯有谋杀未遂罪和持有尖锐物品/刀片罪。 Ira pled guilty to attempted murder and possession of a pointed/bladed article. 此次袭击给受害者造成严重的身心创伤,但在袭击过程中进行干预的一名公众人士因其勇敢行为获得了法官的嘉奖。 The attack left the victim seriously physically and psychologically scarred, but a member of the public who intervened during the attack received a Judge's Commendation for their bravery.