国会山高中老师兼教练迈克尔·希尔从俄克拉荷马州中部人居署获得了一套新房。 Capitol Hill High School teacher and coach, Michael Hill, received a new home from Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity.
国会山高中老师兼足球教练迈克尔·希尔被俄克拉荷马州中部人居署赠予一处新住所。 Capitol Hill High School teacher and football coach, Michael Hill, has been gifted a new home by Central Oklahoma Habitat for Humanity. 希尔之前住在公寓里,与姻亲一起居住,现在他可以为包括 16 个月大的女儿在内的小家庭提供稳定的家庭环境。 Hill, who previously lived in apartments and with his in-laws, can now provide a stable home environment for his young family, including his 16-month-old daughter. 该非营利组织为这位敬业的教育家和他的家人提供了这个机会。 The non-profit organization facilitated this opportunity for the dedicated educator and his family.