纽森州长威胁要对半月湾拖延批准采取法律行动。 Governor Newsom threatens legal action against Half Moon Bay for delaying approval.
州长 Gov. 加文·纽瑟姆威胁要对半月湾官员采取法律行动,因为他们拖延批准拟议的 40 个单元的农场工人住房项目。 Gavin Newsom is threatening legal action against Half Moon Bay officials for delaying approval of a proposed 40-unit farmworker housing project. 2023 年的大规模枪击事件暴露了当地农场工人恶劣的生活条件,该项目旨在为老年农场工人提供经济适用房。 The project aims to provide affordable housing for senior farmworkers, following a mass shooting in 2023 that exposed poor living conditions of workers at local farms. 半月湾规划委员会已暂停该项目,促使纽瑟姆进行干预。 Half Moon Bay's planning commission has stalled the project, prompting Newsom's intervention.