财政部长尼尔玛拉·西塔拉曼批评国大党对恐怖主义采取“软”态度。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman criticized Congress for a "soft" approach towards terrorism.
财政部长尼尔玛拉·西塔拉曼对国大党提出批评,指责其在联合进步联盟执政期间对恐怖主义采取了“软”政策。 Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman criticized Congress, accusing it of having a "soft" approach towards terrorism during its UPA rule. 她以孟买袭击事件为例,尽管涉案人员向巴基斯坦提交了档案,但尚未受到惩罚。 She cited the Mumbai attacks, where the handlers involved haven't been punished despite sending dossiers to Pakistan. 总理纳伦德拉·莫迪还指责国大党在“26·11”袭击事件后没有迅速采取行动,因为担心影响他们的“选票银行”。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi also accused Congress of not taking swift action after 26/11 attacks due to fear of affecting their "vote bank."