拜登总统庆祝微软在威斯康星州建成价值 33 亿美元的新数据中心。 President Biden celebrated a new $3.3bn Microsoft data center in Wisconsin.
拜登总统大力宣传微软将在威斯康星州投资 33 亿美元建设新的数据中心,该中心曾是特朗普政府时期富士康的一个项目的所在地,但最终失败。 President Biden touted a new $3.3bn Microsoft data centre in Wisconsin, the site of a failed Foxconn project during the Trump administration. 拜登批评特朗普承诺台湾电子巨头富士康投资 100 亿美元,但该承诺从未兑现。 Biden criticised Trump's promise of a $10bn investment by the Taiwan-based electronics giant Foxconn, which never materialised. 微软总裁称赞拜登政府的经济政策为新的投资铺平了道路。 Microsoft's president credited Biden's administration's economic policies for paving the way for the new investments.