拜登总统宣布微软在威斯康星州投资人工智能数据中心。 President Biden announced Microsoft's AI data center investment in Wisconsin.
拜登总统宣布微软将投资 33 亿美元在威斯康星州建立一个人工智能数据中心,该中心的土地原定用于建造富士康制造工厂。 President Biden announced Microsoft's $3.3 billion investment to build an AI data center in Wisconsin on the same land that was planned for a Foxconn manufacturing facility. 新工厂预计将创造2,300个建筑岗位和2,000个永久岗位,具有综合效益。 The new facility is expected to create 2,300 construction jobs and 2,000 permanent jobs, featuring comprehensive benefits. 拜登强调,这项协议是其“投资美国”议程的一部分,旨在创造就业机会并促进经济发展。 Biden highlighted this deal as part of his "Investing in America" agenda, which aims to create jobs and boost the economy.