自由党政府邀请有影响力的人士参与联邦预算。 Liberal government invites influencers for federal budget .
自由党政府正在利用有影响力的人物来与年轻的加拿大人建立联系,这些年轻人越来越多地通过社交媒体获取信息。 The Liberal government is turning to influencers to connect with younger Canadians, who increasingly consume information through social media. 七位内容创作者和有影响力的人物受邀参加联邦预算锁定会议,以帮助政府覆盖 18-34 岁年龄群体。 Seven content creators and influencers were invited to attend the federal budget lockup to help the government reach the 18-34 age group. 政府正在拥抱有影响力的人,因为他们试图赢回通过社交媒体平台获取信息的失望的千禧一代和 Z 世代选民。 The government is embracing influencers as they seek to win back disillusioned millennials and Gen-Z voters who consume information through social media platforms.