5 月 9 日,所得税部门突击检查了苏拉特纺织业的艾西瓦娅集团和 Morbi 陶瓷业务集团,针对其财务违规行为。 Income Tax Department raided Aishwarya Group in Surat's textile industry and Morbi's ceramic business group on May 9, targeting financial irregularities.
5 月 9 日,所得税部门对苏拉特纺织业的艾西瓦娅集团和古吉拉特邦莫尔比的陶瓷企业集团进行了突击检查。 The Income Tax Department conducted raids on the Aishwarya Group in Surat's textile industry and a ceramic business group in Morbi, Gujarat, on May 9. 因涉嫌财务违规,超过 100 名官员对这家纺织巨头及其关联企业(包括一家煤炭企业)的 12 个分支机构进行了调查。 Over 100 officials investigated 12 locations of the textile giant and affiliated enterprises, including a coal businessman, due to suspected financial irregularities. 突击检查还延伸至莫尔比,当地一家涉及陶瓷行业的商业集团受到了审查。 The raids also extended to Morbi, where a business group involved in the ceramic sector was scrutinized.