印度当局在一个涉及Pratibha Industries的600万美元贷款欺诈案中突袭了14个地点。 Indian authorities raid 14 locations in a $600M loan fraud case involving Pratibha Industries.
印度执法局对孟买和德里的14个地点进行了突袭,针对涉及Pratibha Industries Ltd及其推销商Ajit Kulkarni的4 957卢比(约6亿美元)贷款欺诈行为。 The Enforcement Directorate in India has conducted raids at 14 locations in Mumbai and Delhi, targeting a Rs 4,957 crore (about $600 million) loan fraud involving Pratibha Industries Ltd and its promoter, Ajit Kulkarni. 根据反洗钱法进行的突袭导致冻结了价值5.4卢比的银行账户和共同基金。 The raids, carried out under anti-money laundering laws, led to the freezing of bank accounts and mutual funds worth Rs 5.4 crore. 调查是由Baroda银行的一项投诉引发的,ED目前正在努力查明欺诈的程度并追查资金。 The investigation was triggered by a complaint from Bank of Baroda, and the ED is now working to uncover the extent of the fraud and trace the funds.