新西兰将公布解决地方议会基础设施问题的城市协议框架。 New Zealand to announce city deal framework for addressing local council infrastructure issues.
新西兰将听取更多关于“城市交易”的讨论,这是各级政府之间以及其他方之间达成的长期协议,旨在解决地方和地区议会基础设施不足和难以承受的成本问题。 New Zealand is set to hear more about "city deals," long-term agreements between levels of government and sometimes other parties, to address inadequate infrastructure and unsustainable costs for local and regional councils. 目前,惠灵顿和奥克兰正在与中央政府就区域协议进行磋商。 Already, Wellington and Auckland are working on regional deals with the central government. 国家党领导的联盟计划今年宣布一项城市协议框架。 The National-led coalition plans to announce a framework for city deals this year.