任职 7 年的 MNPD 保安贾斯汀霍金斯 (Justin Hawkins) 被指控偷窃了一支缴获的枪支,并被控盗窃枪支。 7-year MNPD security guard Justin Hawkins accused of stealing a surrendered firearm, charged with theft of a gun.
纳什维尔大都会警察局 (MNPD) 保安贾斯汀霍金斯 (Justin Hawkins) 工作了 7 年,被指控从一名公民手中偷走了一支交出的枪支。 Metro Nashville Police Dept (MNPD) security guard Justin Hawkins, a 7-year employee, is accused of stealing a surrendered firearm from a citizen. 他联系了一名警官,寻求他帮忙处理两支不需要的枪,但第二天只在总部交出了一支。 He contacted an officer for help with two unwanted guns, but only handed over one the next day at the HQ. 当被问及第二件武器时,他承认保留了它,并被指控盗窃枪支,保释金为 1,500 美元。 When asked about the second weapon, he admitted to keeping it and was charged with theft of a gun, with a $1,500 bond.