恶劣天气导致格林维尔遭受风暴破坏。 Severe weather caused storm damage in Greenville.
恶劣天气导致迈阿密谷地大面积遭受风暴破坏,据报道格林维尔市及其周边地区有树木倒塌、电线杆断裂,以及建筑物受损。 Severe weather caused widespread storm damage across the Miami Valley, with reports of fallen trees, power lines, and structural damage in the city of Greenville and surrounding areas. 达克县发布了龙卷风警告,风暴路径继续从格林维尔东部延伸至迈阿密县界。 A tornado warning was issued for Darke County, and the storm path continued east of Greenville to the Miami County line. 据报道,有一起轻伤事件,县内部分道路被封闭或由警察巡逻。 One minor injury was reported, and some roads in the county were closed or patrolled by deputies.