40 岁的俄罗斯男子被控恐怖主义罪。 40-year-old Russian man charged with terrorism.
一名 40 岁的俄罗斯男子因涉嫌代表乌克兰企图炸毁俄罗斯两座法院大楼而被拘留,并被指控犯有恐怖主义罪。 40-year-old Russian man detained, charged with terrorism for allegedly attempting to bomb two court buildings in Russia, acting on behalf of Ukraine. 自入侵乌克兰以来,莫斯科报告了多起破坏性袭击事件,并经常将其归咎于基辅及其盟友。 Moscow has reported numerous sabotage attacks since invading Ukraine, often attributing them to Kyiv and its allies. 嫌疑人被发现在火车站附近携带自制炸药,访问亲乌克兰网站,并据称受到乌克兰特别机构的招募。 Suspect was found with homemade explosives near a train station, visiting pro-Ukrainian websites and allegedly recruited by Ukrainian special services.