中国入侵英国国防部,个人信息被泄露。 China hacked UK Ministry of Defence, exposing personal details.
据媒体报道,中国对英国国防部实施了重大数据泄露攻击,武装部队人员的个人信息被泄露。 China has reportedly hacked the UK's Ministry of Defence in a major data breach, exposing the personal details of armed forces personnel, according to media reports. 据信此次黑客攻击的目标是工资系统,泄露了现役军人和退伍军人的姓名和银行详细信息。 The hack is believed to have targeted a payroll system, revealing names and bank details of service personnel and veterans. 国防部表示,所有工资将照常支付,并保证向人员提供支持和有关违规行为的建议。 The Ministry of Defence stated that all salaries would be paid as usual, and has assured personnel of support and advice about the breach.