意大利 RAI 记者举行罢工,指责梅洛尼领导的政府干涉言论自由。 Italian RAI journalists went on strike, accusing the Meloni-led government of interfering with free speech.
意大利国家广播公司 RAI 记者举行了为期一天的罢工,指责乔治亚·梅洛尼领导的政府干涉言论自由。 Italian RAI state broadcaster journalists went on a one-day strike, accusing the Giorgia Meloni-led government of interfering with free speech. 意大利广播电台记者联盟 (Usigrai) 声称,自 2022 年 10 月梅洛尼上任以来,情况进一步恶化,该国的世界新闻自由指数排名跌至第 46 位。 The Union of RAI Journalists (Usigrai) claimed the situation has worsened since Meloni took office in October 2022, as the country's World Press Freedom Index ranking fell to 46th place. RAI 管理层否认了审查指控,并致力于将该广播公司转变为现代数字媒体平台。 RAI management denied allegations of censorship and aims to transform the broadcaster into a modern digital media platform.