马耳他记者谴责对记者的攻击;IM呼吁各政党确保新闻安全。 Maltese journalists condemn attack on reporter; IĠM calls for political parties to ensure press safety.
马耳他记者协会谴责一名工党旗下新闻记者在马耳他议会外面采访一名议员时遭到身体检查. The Institute of Maltese Journalists condemned an incident where a journalist from Labour-owned ONE News was bodychecked while interviewing an MP outside the Maltese Parliament. 两个主要政党均表示遗憾,但工党批评反对派关于言论自由的立场。 Both major political parties expressed regret, but the Labour Party criticized the opposition's stance on freedom of expression. 联盟呼吁各政党为其支持者的行动承担责任,并确保记者能够不受骚扰地工作。 The IĠM called for political parties to take responsibility for actions of their supporters and ensure journalists can work without harassment.