安东尼·布林肯敦促以色列和哈马斯在加沙达成停火协议。 Antony Blinken urges Israel and Hamas to reach a cease-fire in Gaza.
美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯敦促以色列和哈马斯达成加沙停火协议,并表示“现在是达成协议的时候了”。 U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken urges Israel and Hamas to reach a cease-fire agreement in Gaza, stating that "the time is now" for a deal. 布林肯在以色列会见以色列领导人并强调在任何潜在军事行动期间确保平民安全的计划的重要性。 Blinken is in Israel to meet with Israeli leaders and emphasize the importance of a plan ensuring civilian safety during any potential military operation.