豹子误入海得拉巴机场区域,引发救援行动并最终将其放归纳拉马拉斯里赛拉姆野生动物森林。 Leopard strays into Hyderabad airport area, prompting rescue mission and eventual release back into Nallamala Srisailam Wildlife Forest.
一只豹子误入海得拉巴拉吉夫·甘地国际机场附近,引起当地人的恐慌,随后林业部门展开救援行动。 A leopard that strayed into the vicinity of Hyderabad's Rajiv Gandhi International Airport caused panic among locals, leading to a rescue operation by the Forest Department. 这只豹子被闭路电视摄像机拍到,并被关进笼子。 The leopard was captured on CCTV cameras and trapped using cages. 在海得拉巴动物园进行健康检查后,这只豹子将被放归安得拉邦的纳拉玛拉斯里赛拉姆野生动物森林。 After a health check at the Hyderabad Zoo, the leopard will be released back into the Nallamala Srisailam Wildlife Forest in Andhra Pradesh. 这并不是豹子第一次闯入城市郊区人类居住区的事件。 This is not the first incident of leopards straying into human habitations near the city outskirts.