四名 BBC 资深女记者向就业法庭提起诉讼,指控合并后 BBC 首席主持人职位的求职流程存在“舞弊”,并声称存在年龄和性别歧视。 4 senior female BBC journalists launch employment tribunal, alleging job application process was "rigged" for chief presenter roles post-merger, claiming age and sex discrimination.
四名 BBC 资深女记者向该公司提起了劳动仲裁,指控 BBC 新闻频道和世界新闻频道合并后,首席主持人的职位申请流程存在“舞弊”现象。 Four senior female BBC journalists have launched an employment tribunal against the corporation, alleging a job application process was "rigged" for chief presenter roles following the merger of BBC's News and World News channels. 马丁·克罗克索尔 (Martine Croxall)、卡琳·吉安诺内 (Karin Giannone)、卡西亚·马德拉 (Kasia Madera) 和安妮塔·麦克维 (Annita McVeigh) 声称,在 2022 年 7 月宣布重组英国广播公司 (BBC) 的两个电视新闻频道后,她们遭受了年龄和性别歧视。 Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone, Kasia Madera, and Annita McVeigh claim they suffered age and sex discrimination after the reorganisation of the BBC's two TV news channels announced in July 2022. 这些女性年龄在 48 至 55 岁之间,此前她们已与 BBC 达成了薪酬协议。 The women, aged 48-55, previously reached pay settlements with the BBC.