罗切斯特警方正在调查道格拉斯小道上发生的刺伤和抢劫案件。 Rochester police investigate a reported stabbing and robbery on the Douglas Trail.
罗切斯特警方正在调查罗切斯特西北部发生的一起刺伤和抢劫案件。 Rochester police are investigating a reported stabbing and robbery in northwest Rochester. 一名男子声称他在道格拉斯小道上被刺伤,他的财物被盗,随后嫌疑人徒步逃跑。 A man claimed he was stabbed on the Douglas Trail and his belongings were stolen before the suspect fled on foot. 受害者受伤被送往医院,警方目前已抵达现场,正在查明事情经过并寻找证据支持该男子的说法。 The victim was transported to the hospital with a wound, and the police are currently at the scene, working to determine what happened and searching for evidence to support the man's claims.