肯特郡警方发布了一张与 Radio 2 主持人 Rylan Clark 相似的电子照片后,他否认自己是抢劫嫌疑人。 Radio 2 presenter Rylan Clark denies being a robbery suspect after Kent Police release an e-fit image resembling him.
肯特郡警方公布了一名男子的电子图像,希望确认其身份,该男子涉嫌参与一起抢劫未遂案。随后,Radio 2 电台主持人 Rylan Clark 否认自己是抢劫嫌疑人。 Radio 2 presenter Rylan Clark denies being a robbery suspect after Kent Police released an e-fit image of a man they wish to identify in connection with an attempted robbery. 这张电脑生成的图像与瑞兰有着惊人的相似之处,但他在社交媒体上开玩笑说“那不是他”。 The computer-generated image bears a striking resemblance to Rylan, but he joked on social media that it "wasn't him". 此次电子攻击与 4 月 5 日在梅德斯通发生的一起事件有关,当时四名男子抢夺一名女子的手表,然后追赶她并殴打她。 The e-fit is related to an incident on 5th April in Maidstone, where four men demanded a woman's watch before chasing her and assaulting her.