俄罗斯针对乌克兰的铁路基础设施,以阻挠美国的军事援助运送。 Russia targets Ukraine's railway infrastructure to disrupt US military aid delivery.
据报道,俄罗斯瞄准了包括顿涅茨克地区在内的乌克兰铁路基础设施,试图阻挠美国提供军事援助。 Russia has targeted Ukraine's railway infrastructure, including in the Donetsk region, in a bid to disrupt the delivery of US military aid, according to reports. 莫斯科国防部称,其部队一天前在顿涅茨克地区袭击了通过铁路运输的“西方武器和军事装备”,并袭击了哈尔科夫地区的铁路设施。 Moscow's defense ministry said its forces had hit "Western weapons and military equipment" being transported by railway one day earlier in the Donetsk region, and also targeted railway facilities in the Kharkiv region.