执政7个月后,为泰党仍未兑现修改2017年宪章的承诺。 7 months after taking power, Pheu Thai Party has not fulfilled its promise to amend the 2017 charter.
执政 7 个月后,为泰党仍未履行修改 2017 年宪章的承诺,该宪章被视为 2014 年政变的遗留问题。 7 months after taking power, Pheu Thai Party has yet to fulfil its promise to amend the 2017 charter, seen as a leftover from the 2014 coup. 商务部长 Phumtham Wechayachai 的小组决定举行三次全民公投,以确保法律基础牢固,但为泰党议员 Chusak Sirinil 提交的修改宪法条款的法案并未列入议会议程。 Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai's panel decided to hold three referendums to ensure a secure legal footing, but the bill submitted by Pheu Thai list-MP Chusak Sirinil to alter constitutional provisions was not put on the parliamentary agenda.