美国农业部最终确定了奶牛、部分肉牛和野牛州际运输中使用电子耳标的规定,以改善疾病追溯。 USDA finalizes rule for electronic ear tags for interstate movement of dairy, some beef cattle, and bison to improve disease traceback.
美国农业部已最终确定一项规定,要求跨州运输奶牛、部分肉牛和野牛时必须佩戴电子耳标。 The USDA has finalized a rule requiring electronic ear tags for the interstate movement of dairy cattle, some beef cattle, and bison. 该规则将于 180 天内生效,要求标签必须具备视觉和电子可读性。 The rule, effective in 180 days, requires tags to be both visually and electronically readable. 新法规旨在加强疾病追溯,这可以限制毁灭性疾病的传播,并通过向贸易伙伴提供无病地区来帮助维持国外市场。 The new regulation aims to improve disease traceback, which could limit the spread of devastating diseases and help maintain foreign markets by proving disease-free regions to trading partners.