悉尼塔龙加动物园的亚洲象 Tang Mo 和 Pak Boon 将于 2025 年中期迁往南澳大利亚,由大独角犀牛取代。 Taronga Zoo Sydney's Asian elephants Tang Mo and Pak Boon to relocate to South Australia in mid-2025, replaced by a Greater One-horned Rhino.
悉尼塔龙加动物园的亚洲象 Tang Mo 和 Pak Boon 自 2006 年起就居住在该公园,预计将于 2025 年中期迁往南澳大利亚,加入更大的象群。 Taronga Zoo Sydney's Asian elephants Tang Mo and Pak Boon, who have resided at the park since 2006, are set to relocate to South Australia in mid-2025 to join a larger herd. 它们的离开是在一个成功的繁殖计划在多个动物园推广之后进行的。 Their departure follows a successful breeding program that expanded across multiple zoos. 动物园将用一头两岁的大独角犀牛来替代大象。 The zoo will replace the elephants with a two-year-old Greater One-horned Rhino. 亚洲象濒临灭绝,野生数量不足 50,000 头。 Asian elephants are endangered, with fewer than 50,000 remaining in the wild.