澳新军团日当天,西澳大利亚州诺瑟姆的一家 Bunnings 商店因喷洒不明物质导致眼睛、鼻子和喉咙受到刺激而紧急疏散;十人接受了治疗,两名嫌疑人被捕。 On Anzac Day in Northam, WA, a Bunnings store was evacuated due to an unknown substance sprayed, causing eye, nose, and throat irritation; ten people were treated, and two suspects arrested.
澳新军团日当天,西澳大利亚州诺瑟姆的一家 Bunnings 商店向顾客和员工喷洒了一种不明物质,导致他们的眼睛、鼻子和喉咙出现灼热感,随后商店进行了疏散。 On Anzac Day in Northam, Western Australia, a Bunnings store was evacuated after an unknown substance was sprayed at customers and staff, causing burning sensations in their eyes, nose, and throat. 作为预防措施,包括七名女性在内的十名患者在诺瑟姆地区医院接受了治疗。 Ten individuals, including seven women, were treated at Northam Regional Hospital as a precaution. 警方逮捕了两名嫌疑人,其中一人涉嫌喷洒该物质;调查仍在进行中。 Police arrested two suspects, one of whom is suspected of spraying the substance; the investigation is ongoing.