32 岁的蒂莫西·普莱姆 (Timothy Prime) 因驾车冲向女友的蛇患紧急情况而收到超速罚单。 32-year-old Timothy Prime defended speeding ticket for racing to girlfriend's snake emergency.
32 岁的男子蒂莫西·约翰·普莱姆 (Timothy John Prime) 在维多利亚州东北部驾车帮助女友处理蛇类紧急情况后,成功捍卫了自己的超速罚单。 32-year-old man, Timothy John Prime, successfully defended his speeding ticket after racing to help his girlfriend with a snake emergency in north-east Victoria. 2023 年 1 月 17 日,Prime 在基瓦谷高速公路上以 87 公里/小时的速度行驶,面临三个月的驾驶禁令和 509 美元的罚款。 Prime was clocked at 87 km/h on the Kiewa Valley Highway on January 17, 2023, and faced a three-month driving ban and a $509 fine. 他的女朋友的猫在她的裤子里发现了一条铜头蛇,Prime 赶紧开车前往她所在的位置,但在途中被高速公路巡逻队发现。 His girlfriend's cat had found a copperhead snake in her pants, and Prime sped to her location but was spotted by highway patrol members on the way. 法庭播放了 Prime 在一所幼儿园外停车的视频片段。 The court played video footage of Prime pulling over outside a kindergarten.