美国国务院官员在重大问题报告后敦促印度履行人权义务。 US State Department official urges India to uphold human rights obligations following significant issues report.
美国和印度一直就人权和民主问题进行最高级别的磋商。 US and India consistently consult at the highest levels on human rights and democracy issues. 美国国务院官员在美国民主、人权和劳工局最近发布的报告指出印度存在“严重人权问题”,包括去年在曼尼普尔邦发生的暴力事件后发表了上述言论。 A US State Department official said this after a recent report by the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor flagged "significant human rights issues" in India, including violence in Manipur last year. 该官员敦促印度履行其人权义务和承诺。 The official urged India to uphold its human rights obligations and commitments.