詹姆斯·雷诺兹 (James Reynolds) 打算参加英国中部西北地区的欧洲选举。 James Reynolds, intends to contest European elections in Midlands NW.
国家党领袖詹姆斯·雷诺兹宣布有意参加英国中部地区西北选区的欧洲议会选举。 Leader of National Party, James Reynolds, announces intention to contest European elections in Midlands NW constituency. 雷诺兹是一名全职母牛和绵羊饲养员,致力于代表农村和城市社区的利益。 Reynolds, a full-time suckler and sheep farmer, seeks to represent rural and urban communities' interests. 他之前曾在 IFA 和爱尔兰牛羊农场主协会担任职务。 He previously held roles in IFA and Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmer's Association. 雷诺兹领导的政党——国民党,致力于实现爱尔兰民族理念,寻求统一的爱尔兰。 Reynolds' party, National Party, aims to fulfill the Irish national idea and seek a united Ireland.