今年 3 月,全球金融公司 INFINOX 在拉各斯和阿布贾举办合作伙伴晚宴,标志着其在尼日利亚的扩张。 In March, global financial firm INFINOX marked its Nigerian expansion with a partner dinner gala in Lagos and Abuja.
全球金融公司 INFINOX 于 3 月在拉各斯和阿布贾举办了一场盛大的合作伙伴晚宴,标志着其在尼日利亚的扩张。 Global financial firm INFINOX marked its Nigerian expansion in March with a prestigious partner dinner gala in Lagos and Abuja. 两个城市办事处的战略位置表明他们致力于为尼日利亚客户提供量身定制的金融解决方案。 Strategically located offices in both cities showcase their dedication to providing tailored financial solutions to Nigerian clients. 此次活动标志着 INFINOX 发展历程中的一个重要里程碑,巩固了其对尼日利亚市场的承诺。 The event signifies a significant milestone in INFINOX's growth trajectory and solidifies their commitment to the Nigerian market.